How you can give your tortoise a varied diet

It may be tempting to buy pellets or feed your tortoise solely on dried flower supplements, but it is important to maintain a fresh diet all year round. Here are some tips to help you feed your tortoise;

– If you do not already have it, we recommend you start by downloading The Tortoise Table app. Simply open your app store on any device and search “Tortoise Table”.

– Use the filter to find houseplants, these will grow well indoors. You can also filter solely by “safe to feed”, so you can feed your plants on a daily basis.

– Look at what you can grow easily in a pot in your garden, greenhouse or windowsill.

– If you don’t know where to start looking for easy to grow flowers, we have done the work for you. We have done our research and grown them ourselves, to ensure that we have flowers for everyone, even those without a green thumb (that includes me). You can find our easy to grow indoor mix and our easy to grow outdoor mix here
Make sure to use the option box to add a coleus house plant to your indoor flower order, they grow exceptionally fast indoors (have a look at my blog )

– And not forgetting, get to know your safe to feed common weeds. I have included photos of the some of the most common ones I can think of, under “safe to feed”.

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