How To Tell The Gender Of A Russian Tortoise

If you’ve recently brought Russian tortoises home, you might wonder how to tell if these tiny reptiles are a boy or a girl. As a pet owner, it’s essential to know the gender of your tortoise, as they may require extra care and housing depending on whether they are male or female. Although it may seem difficult at first glance, there are a few tricks you can use to determine the gender of your tortoise. Whether you’re planning on breeding or simply want to know your pet’s gender for naming purposes, figuring out the sex of a Russian tortoise is an exciting and rewarding experience. 

how to tell the gender of a russian tortoise
How To Tell The Gender Of A Russian Tortoise

So, are you curious about the gender of your Russian tortoise? In this article, we’ll provide a few tips on how to tell the gender of a Russian tortoise, as well as discuss when it is best to visit a veterinarian for a more accurate determination. Get ready to become a tortoise gender expert!


The shell of a Russian tortoise can provide valuable clues when trying to determine its gender. Although the overall shape and size of a tortoise’s shell can vary depending on its age and diet, there are some critical differences between male and female shells. Male Russian tortoises typically have a concave or sloping plastron (the bottom part of the shell), while females have a flat or slightly flat plastron. 

how to tell the gender of a russian tortoise

By examining the plastron shape in Russian tortoises, you can begin to piece together a picture of its gender. However, it’s important to note that shell characteristics alone are not always definitive and should be combined with other methods of sexing your tortoise for accuracy.

Are there any reliable gender determination methods for juvenile Russian tortoises?

Determining the gender of juvenile Russian tortoises can be challenging, as many of the physical characteristics that indicate sex don’t fully develop until the tortoise reaches sexual maturity at around 4-5 years of age. However, there are a few reliable methods that can help you make an educated guess about your juvenile tortoise’s gender. One such method is to examine the distance between the tortoise’s cloaca (the opening for urination and defecation) and the tip of its tail. In males, this distance is typically greater than in females, and the tail may also be pointier and longer. 

how to tell the gender of a russian tortoise
Are there any reliable gender determination methods for juvenile Russian tortoises?

Another popular and reliable method for determining the gender of juvenile Russian tortoises is by examining the shape and size of their plastron (bottom shell). Male tortoises have a concave plastron, while female tortoises have a flat or slightly convex plastron. In addition, according to a study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), females tend to have larger plasters than males.

Tail length

The length of a Russian tortoise’s tail can be an indicator of its gender, especially in adults. In general, males have longer and skinnier tails than females, which can often be seen protruding from the hind end of their shells. Male tortoises use their tails during mating to help position themselves correctly, so a longer and thinner tail is advantageous for them. 

how to tell the gender of a russian tortoise
Tail length

However, it’s important to note that tail length can vary depending on the individual tortoise and may not be a foolproof method for determining sex. Additionally, this method may not be as reliable in juvenile tortoises, as their tails may not be fully developed yet.

Examine the claws

The claws of a Russian tortoise can provide some insight into its gender but should not be relied upon as the sole method of determination. Male Russian tortoises tend to have longer and thicker claws than females, especially on their front legs. In general, male Russian tortoises have claws that are about 15-20% longer than those of females. On the other hand, the claws of females are thinner and shorter.

how to tell the gender of a russian tortoise
Examine the claws

The main uses of Russian tortoises’ claws are for digging and warding off predators. Nonetheless, some male Russian tortoises may bang their claws together and make sounds that appear to attract the females in order to attract them during the courtship phase. Moreover, the claws give the males a greater hold during mating with the females following a fruitful courting.

Are there any genetic or DNA tests available to determine the gender of Russian tortoises?

Yes, there are genetic or DNA tests available to determine the gender of Russian tortoises. These tests involve taking a small tissue sample from the tortoise and analyzing its DNA to determine the presence of male or female sex chromosomes. Simply put, by using a blood sample, they can work out which sexual chromosomes the individual has. DNA tests can be a highly accurate method of sexing tortoises, with accuracy rates of up to 99%. However, it can be more expensive and time-consuming than other methods of sexing and may not be necessary for all owners. 

how to tell the gender of a russian tortoise
Are there any genetic or DNA tests available to determine the gender of Russian tortoises?

Genetic testing is often used in breeding programs or for scientific research purposes, where accuracy is critical. For pet owners who are simply curious about their tortoise’s gender, other methods, such as examining the shape of the shell or observing behavior, may be sufficient.


Cloaca in Russian tortoises can provide some indication of its gender. The cloaca is the opening at the base of the tail that is used for both defecation and urination. In male Russian tortoises, the cloaca is typically positioned further away from the body. On the other hand, the cloaca of a female Russian tortoise is much closer to the plastron. 

how to tell the gender of a russian tortoise

If you wonder why this is because males have longer and thicker tails that need more space to accommodate the reproductive organs. Additionally, male tortoises have a small bump, called a hemipenal bulge, located just above the cloaca that is absent in females. However, the hemipenal bulge can be challenging to see in juvenile tortoises, and the positioning of the cloaca can also be influenced by factors such as age and diet.

Can the gender of a Russian tortoise change over time?

No, the gender of a Russian tortoise (or any reptile) cannot change over time. Like many reptiles, Russian tortoises have a genetic sex determination system, meaning that their gender is determined by their chromosomes at the moment of fertilization. In most cases, males have XY chromosomes, and females have XX chromosomes. Once a tortoise’s gender is determined, it remains the same throughout its life. 

Can the gender of a Russian tortoise change over time?

However, it’s important to note that some environmental factors can affect the development of sexual characteristics in Russian tortoises breeding. For example, the temperature can play a role in Russian tortoise gender identification. According to experts from Reptiles magazine, in some cases, temperatures of 89 degrees Fahrenheit produce more females, and temperatures lower than 86 degrees make more males.

Behavior during the breeding season

Russian tortoises can exhibit specific behaviors during the breeding season, which usually occurs in the spring and early summer. Male tortoises may become more active and display territorial behaviors, such as circling around potential mates and fighting with other males for access to females. They may also use their forelegs to nudge or flip over potential mates in order to gain access to the female’s cloaca. 

Behavior during the breeding season

Females, on the other hand, may become more receptive to mating during this time and may also exhibit nesting behaviors as they search for suitable sites to lay their eggs. Some females may also show signs of aggression towards males and may try to avoid mating attempts.

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Are there any legal or ethical considerations related to determining the gender of Russian tortoises?

In general, there are no legal considerations related to determining the gender of Russian tortoises, as it is a routine practice in the care of these animals. Sexing tortoises is essential for proper husbandry and health care, as male and female tortoises have different dietary and environmental needs. Additionally, sexing is also vital for breeding purposes, as it ensures that compatible pairs are mated and can lead to successful reproduction.

Are there any legal or ethical considerations related to determining the gender of Russian tortoises?
Are there any legal or ethical considerations related to determining the gender of Russian tortoises

From an ethical perspective, you have to consider the welfare of the animal. Generally, determining the gender of a Russian tortoise requires a physical examination, which can cause the tortoise a great deal of stress. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that any examination is done by an experienced and qualified professional who can minimize the stress of the tortoise. Additionally, ensure that the tortoise is not being subjected to any unnecessary stress or pain during the procedure.

Consult with a veterinarian or experienced breeder

Consulting with a veterinarian or experienced breeder is highly recommended when determining the gender of a Russian tortoise. A veterinarian who is experienced with reptiles can perform a physical examination of the tortoise, including examining the size and shape of the cloaca and examining the length and thickness of the tail to determine gender. They may also be able to use an ultrasound or X-ray to look at the internal reproductive organs to confirm the gender.

Consult with a veterinarian or experienced breeder
Consult with a veterinarian or experienced breeder

Moreover, experienced breeders can also be a valuable resource for sexing Russian tortoises, as they have likely worked with many tortoises and have developed an eye for identifying the physical characteristics that indicate gender. They may also have access to specialized tools, such as a tortoise sexing probe, which can be used to gently and safely examine the tortoise’s reproductive organs.

When is the best time to check the gender of a Russian tortoise with the vet?

The best time to check the gender of a Russian tortoise with a veterinarian is when they are at least 3-4 years old. This is because it can be difficult to accurately determine the gender of a tortoise when they are younger, as its physical characteristics may not yet be fully developed.

By waiting until the tortoise is a few years old, the veterinarian will be able to examine their tail length, claw size, plastron shape, and other physical characteristics that can indicate its gender. Additionally, waiting until the tortoise is older can also help minimize the stress of the examination, as younger tortoises may be more skittish or nervous when handled.

Table of different gender Russian tortoise

Table of different gender Russian tortoise
Table of different gender Russian tortoise

The gender of a Russian tortoise can be determined by examining various physical characteristics, such as the length of the tail, the size of the tortoise, the shape of the plastron, claws, snout, and behavior. To help provide a clear and concise overview of the differences between male and female Russian tortoises, we have prepared a table to outline the specific characteristics of male vs female. 

No.ParameterMale Russian TortoiseFemale Russian Tortoise
1.SizeIt can only reach 5-8 inches in length.It can reach up to 6-10 inches in length.
2.TailLonger, thinner tail, which is used during mating.Shorter, thicker tail.
3.Plastron shapeIt has a concave dip within its plastron.It has a flat plastron.
4.Behavioral differencesMales may become more aggressive and vocal, and they may display courtship behaviors such as head bobbing and circling around females.Females can be aggressive, but they usually give in eventually. 
5.Cloacal openingA male’s cloaca is longer and more slit-like. It is located in the last third of the tail, towards the tip.A female’s cloaca is rounder and more star-shaped than the male’s.  It is found much closer to her body, at the base of her tail where it joins her body, almost disappearing into the shell.
6.ClawsIt has longer and broader claws than females.It has shorter and smaller claws than males.
7.SnoutLonger and pointier than in females.Shorter and butter than in males.


Determining the gender of a Russian tortoise accurately is an essential aspect of its care and maintenance. By examining physical characteristics such as tail length, plastron shape, and claw size, it is possible to determine whether a tortoise is male or female. We also suggest you seek the advice and guidance of a veterinarian or experienced breeder as it will be helpful in accurately identifying the gender of a Russian tortoise. By understanding the differences between male and female tortoises, you can provide appropriate care and ensure the overall health and well-being of your fascinating pets.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Can you determine the gender of a Russian tortoise based on behavior?

It is not possible to accurately determine the gender of a Russian tortoise based on behavior alone, as both males and females can exhibit similar behaviors. However, you can guess it’s different behavior during mating. They may both become more aggressive; however, females may give in eventually.

What is the cloaca in a Russian tortoise, and how does it relate to gender?

The cloaca is an opening located at the base of a Russian tortoise’s tail. It is used for both excretion and reproduction. It is the only opening through which a Russian tortoise can both eliminate waste and reproduce. The cloaca is also used to determine the gender of a Russian tortoise. Males typically have a skinnier and longer tail than females, and the cloaca is found farther from the body than in females.

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